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Diabetes Action Plan Survey

Your participation in this 15-minute survey will help the Wisconsin Department of Health Services prepare the Diabetes Action Plan report to the state legislature. This survey is a way for you to let us know what you would like to see included in the plan and tell us what challenges are faced by those living with or caring for those with diabetes in Wisconsin. We also want to hear about challenges to your community’s overall well-being, and what resources your community needs to overcome those challenges. This survey will close on May 1, 2025, at 5pm.

Additionally, per DHS guidelines, do not include any unnecessary personally-identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI) in your responses.

If you have any questions about this survey, email the Chronic Disease Prevention Program at We appreciate your time and input.
1. Which of the following describes your role when it comes to diabetes? Check all that apply. *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
2. In what county or tribal nation do you currently live? *This question is required.
3. What counties or tribal nations does your organization serve? Check all that apply. *This question is required.
3. Which of the following areas are you interested in? Check all that apply. *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.